Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Humor on the radio

I listen to Z103.3, and it's geared toward teen and young adult listeners. I think it has a great deal of humor, both by the Deejays and by the commercials they run. Whether or not it's well executed, that's a different story. I think in order to have a good audience base, with people consistently turning to that station, there must be a good mix of humor and seriousness. In order for a medium to survive, it must appeal to first a target group and to a broader audience within that target. For example, Z103 targets 13-25 year olds. Not all 13-25 year olds listen strictly to what Z103 plays, but the ones that do don't all have the same personality.

I enjoy humor, and not just on the radio. I think as long as real thought was put into the commercial or whatever, it'll be more appealing to the audience. And that's what it's really all about, right? Appealing to your consumers.

Kim Clawson

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